If you just had an ACL surgical procedure, exercise is a vital piece of your healing process, in addition to a therapy program. These Tier 1 workouts should be performed for 1-4 weeks after the surgery. These exercises aim to gain back neuromuscular control of the quadriceps, reinforce the hip, and keep the knee and ankle range of motion on the affected leg. Therefore, it would be best to look for a Physical Therapeutic Exercise in Philadelphia to help you get back on your feet.
Contractions of Quadriceps
Lying down, tighten the muscles in your thigh by doing a straight knee till the back of the knee pushes into the bed. Hold on and release for 10 seconds. Repeat ten times 3 to 4 times a day. This exercise improves the muscle group responsible for your leg movement, which is known as your quadriceps. This also helps in achieving a straight leg position.
Straight Leg Raising
Lying flat, straighten your leg and lift it out of your bed. Right before you start, you should have a towel roll or other support on your ankle and straighten your leg without trying to lift it. As you proceed, you're going to lift your leg in the air for about 12 inches while maintaining it in a straight position. Hold this position for a few seconds and lower it slowly. You can repeat it ten times.
The heels of the slides
Lying flat on your bed, slide your foot's heel to your buttocks. Your aim here is to have your heel on the bed while trying to achieve a bent knee. It would be best if you didn't let your knee roll in or out. After bending your knee to the furthest, you can try to hold still for 10 seconds and gradually slide your foot back out. Repeat the bend 20 times in 3 or 4 sessions per day. It's helping with the range of motion.
Patellar Mobilizations
When you sit on the floor or bed, straighten your leg in front of you. Put a hand on either side of your kneecap. Gradually slide your kneecap up and down and side to side. Maintain it in each direction for only two seconds and do it again for sixty seconds. Do this up to three to four times daily. Ensure that your kneecap slides simultaneously and doesn't tip or tilt on one side only. By engaging in this type of exercise, you would not suffer any tissue damage, and ultimately, your leg will be flexible.
Seated Knee Flexion
As you sit at the edge of a bed, table or bed, allow your leg to hold down. Cross the leg you're not using under your ankle and use it to flatten your other leg gently. Then use it to move the leg gently and fold it as far as needed. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat for 10 seconds. Best physical therapy for ACL reconstruction surgery. It would be best if you did this workout three or four times a day. You won't need to use your inactive leg when you get better
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