Many accidents occur as a result of a driver having ingested more alcohol than allowed. Alcohol reduces the ability to concentrate. It is vital to drive carefully since any distraction can lead to an accident.
This type of accident can generate not only civil liability but also criminal liability. Drunk driving can harm the driver and other people and take several lives at once. And the penalty and compensation are not so light either.
Today, we will talk about drink driving, its consequences, and the average drunk driver settlement.
Why Alcohol And Driving Don't Go Together
Alcohol consumption reduces motor skills. Under the influence of alcohol, you react more slowly, you are less focused, and your vision decreases. Often, under the influence of alcohol, you take more risks and drive aggressively. You are not only putting your own life at risk but also the lives of others.
In the USA, every 50 minutes, there is a road accident due to drunk driving. Among the accidents, 50% are drunken-driving accidents. This shows how big the issue is.
What Is The Average Drunk Driver Settlement
The average drunk driver settlement amount is a complex issue. Not all the accidents are the same and not the consequences as well. Depending on the severity and seriousness of the situation, the amount will vary. But we can share a rough amount for your understanding:
An average drunk driver settlement amount can be up to $55,000.
If the victim is injured in drunk driving and the injury leads to tissue injury (or even whiplash), at least $25,000 compensation is confirmed.
In the case of a shoulder joint injury, the compensation can reach up to $90,000.
If the victim is physically injured so that he needs therapy, the amount can be up to $60,000.
If the victim is in such a condition that he needs surgery, the compensation can get quite bigger, like $550,000.
Just like that, serious injuries like spinal injury and abdominal injury settlement can be a whopping amount of 2 million dollars or even more.
Sometimes, when the accident happens on a bigger scale, the compensation is also large. For example, if the victim has multiple injuries and even multiple surgeries, you may need to pay more than 5 million dollars.
Who Has The Right To Request Compensation
To know who can claim compensation for a traffic accident, we have to distinguish between three different types of claims:
Drunk driver causes an accident causing injury to third parties: In this case, a report will be raised, and the drunk driver will have to face the injury claim.
As a passenger: Suppose you travel as a passenger or occupant. Now two things can happen. You are traveling in a car that has been hit by a drunk driver. Or you are traveling in the vehicle in which the drunk driver is driving. You have the right to claim for the injuries suffered due to the accident in both cases.
The drunk driver: The drunk driver, who has been hit by another vehicle, is also entitled to compensation. However, he will have to face a penalty or fine because of driving under the influence. It doesn't matter if he was not responsible for the accident.
How to Act If We Have Had an Accident with a Drunk Driver
After a traffic accident, we need to get out and reach out for help. We must call the Police to go to the scene and make a statement that Indicates how the accident occurred. And it should include the results of the breathalyzer test carried out on the driver of the vehicle responsible for the accident.
Therefore, in this type of accident, it is very important to have a police report because it is the only way to prove that the person responsible for the accident was drunk driving.
Then if there is an injury, you need to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Without a proper medical report, we won't be able to get the right settlement we deserve. Finally, you can hire a drunk driving attorney to have fair compensation.
The average amount of settlement for drunk driving varies from state to state and situation to situation. However, drunk driving is a serious crime that can take someone's life.
However, not only the amount of settlement can reverse that loss. So, if you are in such a situation, we recommend you contact a drunk driving attorney who will help you.
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